India conduct online degree exam

How do universities in India conduct online degree exams?

The intersection of technology and the global pandemic accelerated the digital transformation across various services, including education. Online learning has become ubiquitous, with the emergence of sophisticated Learning Management Systems (LMS) serving as virtual classrooms facilitating interaction between students and faculty.

Institutes grapple with the challenge of conducting exams online, where monitoring and invigilation are difficult as students are at home and may resort to unfair practices. However, contemporary technology offers advanced solutions to this issue. Various proctoring software not only detect cheating but also actively prevent it, ensuring the integrity of online degree exams.

Can you take your degree exams online from home?

Absolutely! Taking online degree exams from the comfort of home is entirely feasible. Numerous online universities already facilitate semester exams remotely, allowing students to complete their assessments conveniently from any location.

Universities employ diverse measures and proctoring software to ensure examinations are conducted fairly, eliminating any possibility of cheating for students.

The students must meet certain prerequisites to qualify for taking the online exam from home, including ensuring an appropriate surrounding environment and possessing necessary digital infrastructure such as webcams and microphones.

Some universities provide the option for students lacking digital resources to take exams at designated centers. Despite being conducted online, these exams are monitored by assigned invigilators.

How are online exams administered?

Nowadays, numerous universities provide professional degree programs online. These courses are rigorous, necessitating secure and cheat-proof online examinations.

To deter cheating or any other forms of academic dishonesty, universities utilize Proctor software, which employs Artificial Intelligence to detect and prevent cheating. We’ll delve into the mechanics of this process shortly, but first, let’s explore how online degree exams are administered by universities.

Universities administer online exams for their degree programs in two different methods.

Online Examination at Testing Facility

The university arranges examinations at multiple centers and assigns invigilators, who are not faculty members or center authorities, to oversee the process. These invigilators are tasked with verifying candidates, managing registrations, and ensuring the smooth operation of the examination.

Online Exam at Home

At-home candidate verification is conducted exclusively through online means, including email IDs, university-issued student credentials, or OTP authentication. To ensure exam integrity, students are provided with a set of guidelines for online exam conduct. Monitoring is carried out by both proctoring software and human invigilators to deter any form of cheating.

To facilitate online examinations for their virtual degree programs, universities employ various online platforms and software. Below are the steps they must follow to administer these exams.

  • Registration of students 
  • Recording the enrollment information of students.
  • Creating the admit card/hall ticket.
  • Organizing test schedules and time slots in coordination with virtual exam rooms.
  • Verify students before allowing them to enter the virtual examination room.
  • Configuring the examination environment (proctoring software settings, etc.).
  • Result evaluation

How are online exams designed to deter cheating?

Conducting online examinations is now relatively straightforward thanks to advanced facilities, offering numerous benefits. However, ensuring fairness in these exams presents a significant challenge. With technology readily available to all, students may exploit it to cheat during online degree examinations.

To curb cheating, universities have implemented diverse measures, making it increasingly difficult for students to cheat during online degree exams, even when taken remotely from home. They employ robust online examination management systems that adhere to the following steps to deter any form of dishonest behavior by test-takers.

Online - How Indian universities administer online degree examinations in 2024. - APS Admission Panel

1. Browser Security

The primary cornerstone for thwarting cheating is a secure browser, which promptly notifies the human proctor, enabling them to identify and address any unauthorized behavior. A secure browser effectively blocks prohibited actions such as:

  • A student attempting to launch a fresh window or tab.
  • In objective exams, keyboard usage may be limited.

2. Proctor Software

A proctoring software employs artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor both on-screen activity and physical movements, detecting any cheating behavior. The use of such software is crucial in maintaining the integrity of online examinations.

Proctoring software stands as the pinnacle for administering secure and equitable online examinations. With the ability to both detect cheating and deter manipulative behaviors, these tools are unrivaled in their capability.

Top-tier universities providing online degree programs utilize proctoring software for conducting remote exams, allowing students to take assessments from the comfort of their homes.

We’ll delve into the mechanics of how proctoring systems function later, ensuring you grasp their authenticity and effectiveness for your peace of mind.

3. Data Encryption

At times, students attempt to obtain unauthorized access to question banks in order to leak them. However, data encryption serves as a barrier, preventing such unauthorized access.

All communication between the test taker and the server is securely encrypted to prevent any tampering with the results.

The responses submitted by test takers are encoded using advanced encryption algorithms, ensuring their security through highly resistant encryption methods that are difficult to decode.

4. Audit Logging Process

The online examination login procedure requires rigorous auditing to prevent unauthorized access by individuals other than the intended test taker. Universities commonly require students to utilize webcams, allowing proctors to confirm the identity of the logged-in student.

Audit logging includes the capability to geotag, allowing exam administrators to determine the location of the test taker.

5. Authentication & Authorisation

Several online exam management systems employ IP address-based authentication for authorization. This restricts access to the examination link solely to specified IP addresses, ensuring that only intended test takers can log in to the examination program.

How do Proctor Softwares operate?

During exams administered with proctor software, real-time monitoring is employed. Test-takers are provided with specific instructions by the university regarding additional tools required for the duration of the exam.

Device - How Indian universities administer online degree examinations in 2024. - APS Admission Panel
  • A Computer/Laptop running on Windows & Mac. 
  • A webcam 
  •  voice-enabled microphone 
  • A strong internet connection  

In addition to the aforementioned requirements, you must possess a valid login ID or student ID provided by the university, which is accompanied by your admit card or hall ticket. The software is designed to only allow access to individuals with valid IDs.

Key Points to Keep in Mind Before Signing In

  • To comply with university regulations, your workspace must be tidy and free from any prohibited materials. Additionally, only the test taker should be present in the room, as the live human proctor will ask for a complete view of the surroundings to verify compliance.
  • Please ensure that all third-party programs on your computer are closed, as the proctor may detect them and flag them as potential sources of cheating material. Additionally, please download either the Firefox or Chrome extension onto your device.
  • Ensure that any secondary monitors in your vicinity are unplugged and remove all digital devices such as mobile phones, Bluetooth earpieces, smartwatches, etc. from your surroundings.
  • Prior to the exam, ensure your device is free of technical issues and verify the strength of your internet connection to prevent any disruptions during the test.

    Following the login, authentication, and verification steps, the examination is initiated. If a live human proctor is present, they will manually commence the exam. Otherwise, the system will instruct students on launching procedures. These automated processes are timed to ensure all students complete the exam simultaneously.

Steps to Initiate an Online Examination Utilizing Proctoring Software:

  1. Before proceeding with an online exam utilizing Proctor software, the initial step entails agreeing to the terms and conditions presented by the software. Upon acceptance, your browser will seamlessly transition to screen sharing. Additionally, the proctor will conduct various checkpoints to verify that your device meets the minimum requirements.

    The proctor will now capture your photo via webcam as part of the authentication process.

    Several software programs also require you to download a chatbox file, enabling communication with your instructor during the exam in case of any issues.

    You will now have the opportunity to examine the regulations established by the university overseeing the examination. These guidelines will encompass both the stipulated rules and the catalog of items prohibited throughout the duration of the examination.

    Following this, the software will initiate a remote inspection. During a remote inspection, the program assumes control of the mouse and keyboard to ascertain if any unauthorized programs are active on your device.

    You’re requested to activate your webcam and provide a panoramic view of your room, capturing all angles.

    Next, the program will direct you to the exam link. You’ll log in to the exam delivery system using the password given by your instructor. Throughout the exam, the proctor will capture your screen, monitoring your mouse and keyboard activities. Rest assured, your personal computer files remain inaccessible to the proctor without your consent.

Activities not allowed during proctor-monitored examinations

Below are 10 actions prohibited during an exam monitored by any proctoring software.

  1. Talking loudly 
  2. Looking away from the screen
  3. Prohibited materials near you
  4. Use of virtual machine 
  5. Use of another monitor 
  6. Taking photos or screenshots 
  7. Copying and pasting any exam element 
  8. Presence/entry of a second person in the room
  9. Voice of some other person
  10. Moving out of the camera view     

Can online exams detect cheating and tab switching?

Indeed, online exams can effectively detect attempts at cheating, such as switching tabs or opening new windows. When universities employ proctoring software alongside their online exam management systems, students find it virtually impossible to cheat, even when taking exams remotely from home.

  • The proctor software allows screen sharing, detecting any attempt to open a new tab instantly, flagging the activity for the proctor to monitor. Sophisticated versions even restrict the student from opening new tabs during the exam, alerting the instructor to any attempted breaches.
  • The proctor, by gaining control over mouse and keyboard movements, can discern the number of open tabs on the device before the exam commences. Proctors equipped with advanced AI have the capability to restrict students from accessing tabs other than those designated for the examination.
  • The Proctor software utilizes artificial intelligence to monitor both on-screen activity and non-screen behaviors, such as facial movements. This enables the AI to detect instances where the student averts their gaze from the screen or engages in conversation with others.
  • The proctor has the capability to monitor all your on-screen activity and detect any deviations from the exam page. It can effectively track and log the websites you visit while taking the exam.
  • Voice-enabled microphones are employed to prevent students from seeking assistance from others during exams. Any attempt to speak is promptly detected by the proctor, who will then flag and report it to the instructor. Therefore, even the student taking the exam is prohibited from speaking. Get more Online Exam Informations



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